i, like millions of other people, commute back and forth, to and fro, 5 days a week, to a job that i'd quit in a heartbeat if i could, but this isn't about that....this is about the commute itself, 25 miles one way, with people who tailgate, and speed, and zip in and out, and basically endanger me and everyone else on the road just because they're too selfish and rude to have even the most basic of good manners....usually, i'm pretty zen about it, but sometimes it just gets to me, and this morning was one of those times....i was coming up to a stoplight, the last before leaving the town i live in for the highway, and was slowing down, and i suppose things just weren't suiting the idiot who gunned his engine, and came flying around me on the right-hand shoulder...it startled me to the point that i nearly ran off the road, because, let's face it, you just don't do that...it's 9 kinds of wrong and illegal...to top it off, he had no plate on his car....
the area i live in has signs everywhere encouraging motorists to call 911 and report impaired drivers, and to my way of thinking, this dude was at the very least mentally impaired, so i got on my trusty cell and ratted him out....as i drove down the road in the same direction ( i couldn't see him, as he was doing 75-80mph in a 55), i waited anxiously to see if they'd pulled him over....lo and behold, i get to the next town, and there he is, in a gas station, and there sits a sherrif's deputy's car in the lot....i pulled in, walked into the store, and proceeded to tell the deputy the whole story, right there in front of the idiot....as i was leaving, the idiot walks out and gives me one of those "f*** you you sob" looks, but you know what?...that's ok with me....i'm not looking to add any more idiots to my collection, and i really couldn't care less what this guy thinks of me....as long as we tolerate the rotten driving, and all the other stupid things that people seem to like to do these days that tromps all over everyone else's rights, then nothing is ever going to get better....o yeah, he had a baby in the car too, which he left unattended while he ran into the store to buy a coke....what a guy!
so this is your notice: you tailgaters, you speeders, you impatient jackasses...i will turn you in.....at the least, i'll slow down in front of you and go 10....i'll do everything i can think of to make you have a stroke right there behind the wheel of your vehicle...and everyone else who's so self-centered and arrogant that you think you're the only person in the world: look out...some of us are going to fight back.....if i can be polite and kind to others, then so can you, and i don't want to hear your excuses.....
do i feel better?....no....i'd prefer that i not be put in a situation like this....i don't like causing trouble for others....but this was the "straw"....i'd had enough....the arrogance of this guy's actions, the absolute rudeness, the evident belief that the laws didn't apply to him, all of these things pushed me over the edge....i honestly hope he loses his license, because i don't want him on the road with me, or anyone in my family.....ever.....................