today is 120803....1 day after Pearl Harbour Day, which is the anniversary of a day that pretty much sucked for a lot of people in Hawaii....naughty, bad Japan....didn't your mama teach you that it's not nice to sucker punch part of the U.S. pacific fleet?....guess those big ol' bombs showed you a thing or two, huh?....betcha won't do that again......
last nite was the last ExTreme at church for this calendar year...i really like playing at this function the best of all the stuff that happens over there, cuz it's a lot more informal, and louder...just more fun...more latitude as far as what songs you play to use the 12-string again, and i think i got it worker out....took the barcus-berry pickup off completely and just went with the duncan sound hole pickup.....the b-b was buzzing when it got touched, and the tone just wasn't there....ok thru a regular amp, but not good thru something with a tweeter...the b-b goes back onto the mandolin, where it has performed well, even though it's supposed to be a guitar pickup...used the strat for the electric stuff...still sound good, though the emg's are very different from other pickups tone-wise....
CD release concert is this Friday at 8....everyone else seems pretty excited, but I'm not getting there just yet....probably the day of the show....been doing this a long, long time, so I guess it just doesn't stoke me up quite as much as it once did...I do wish I didn't have to get up and haul my butt to work the next's gonna be a late night....
Got our tree up, and the presents for the boys....they should be pleased, as they are getting pretty much what they wanted, asian-theme comforter, CDs and DVDs for Scott, and a GameCube for Charles......mucho dinero, but it's Christmas after, how I do love Christmas.....
Gotta meet Nathan today after I get off work...this is my short day, so it won't be too bad....after today, just one more payment on the Marshall cab and we're done....then I can start working on talking him out of that Samick jazz guitar he's sitting on all accounts, it is a very nice instrument.....
need to get back to work....over and out......